Award Status Inquiry

How to Search for Award Information Using the Award Status Inquiry Screen

The award status inquiry feature allows users to view financial data at the award level and project levels. Users can view actual and commitment data for all projects funded by an award, in addition to viewing award budget and expenditure data at the resource level for all projects funded by an award.

The Award Status window and its subsidiary windows allow users to view the following:

  • Award information
  • Summary amount by award
  • Summary amount by project
  • Detailed resource information at the award level and by project
  • Actual cost and detailed commitment information at the award level and by project
  • Detailed task information by project
  • Invoice summary information by award

The Find windows for both actual and commitment options allow users to view actual and commitment data based on query parameters.


Step 1. Main Navigation Menu – Select Award Status

Select award status

Step 2. Double Click on the Award Status to open the Find Award Status window, where you can enter the award number you are interested in reviewing. Then, click Find.

Find Award status window

Step 3. The Award Status window will open. The Available Balance is what Oracle uses for funds checking. For example, if the expenditures plus applicable indirect costs are greater than the available balance on the screen, funds checking will fail

Award available balance information

Step 4. Click on Award Inquiry Button will bring you to the Award Management window for the award.

Award management window

Step 5. Click on Invoice Review Button will bring you to the Invoice Summary Screen. If no invoice has been generated for the award, a window will pop up and let user know that there is no invoice.

Invoice summary screen

Step 6. Click on the Resource Status Button to see each column at resource level.

Resouce status screen

Step 7. Click on the Actuals Button to search on the actual expenditures.

Find expenditure ites screen

Step 8. Clicking on Find with nothing filled will return all expenditures on the award.

All expenditures on the award screen

Step 9. Click on the Commitments Button to search on the commitments on the award.

Find commitments screen

Step 10. Click on the Find button with nothing filled will return all the commitments on the awards.

Expenditure item details

Step 11. Click on Project Status Button to view Project Status.

Project status screen

Step 12. Click on Task Status button from Project Status window to view Task Status.

Task status screen


Expenditures and Commitments Viewable in Award Status Inquiry

The Actual Cost on ASI is the total of expenditures that have passed funds check and have been posted to the award.

The Commitment Amount is the total of commitments from Requisitions, POs, and AP Invoices on hold.