Cost Transfer Resources

Cost Transfer Resources

Labor Cost Transfers

Labor Cost Transfers are defined as allocations of labor expense impacting sponsored project(s) after the effort certification period has closed. This procedure applies to all sponsored projects with both federal and non-federal awards. These cost transfers will be processed through the Invoice Submission page (Remedy).

Non-Labor Cost Transfer (AP Transactions)

Non-Labor Cost Transfer (AP Transactions) are defined as allocations of Non-Labor expense impacting sponsored project(s). An AP transaction is any allocation that is a Purchased Invoice listed on your budget performance report. These cost transfers will be processed through Concur iBuy (Requests).

Non-Labor Cost Transfer (Non-AP Transactions) 

Non-Labor Cost Transfer (Non-AP Transactions) are used to redistribute only non-labor grant related charges that cannot be processed by P2P to/from a Sponsored Project.

These transactions require a manual journal entry in EAS via PAB (Pre-approved Batch) and are routed through Remedy for review/approval and processing. The transactions can be found on the Budget Performance Report (BPR) and/or PI Dashboard Report. Some examples are (reclass of: tuition, service center charges, interdepartmental expenses, rent/admin support/system support charged through DDFs, special transactions etc.).

Additional Cost Transfer Information