Grants & Contracts Accounting Forms
- W-9 & Tax Exemption Letters for GW
- Non-Labor Cost Transfer Justification Form (AP Transactions): Used to redistribute only non-labor grant related charges to/from a Sponsored Project.
- Non-Labor Departmental Corrections and Cost Transfer Justification Form (Non-AP Transactions): Used to redistribute only non-labor grant-related charges that cannot be processed by the P2P team to/from a Sponsored Project.
- Labor Cost Transfer Justification Form (PDF) - this form is required to be filled out when requesting a labor redistribution to or from a sponsored project for a closed effort cycle.
- Sponsor ACH Form: Used to authorize The George Washington University to deposit payments automatically into a banking account.
- New Supplier Registration: Required for all companies and organizations wishing to do business with GW.
- Third Party In-Kind Contribution Form (XLS): This form is used to document non-cash contributions (i.e. donations of property, equipment, material, or services) in order to fulfill the matching requirements of a contractual agreement. The PI is responsible for ensuring the form is completed per 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance Subpart E - Cost Principles. The Sponsored Project Financial Accountant / Analyst will coordinate with the PI/Dept when the form is needed during financial reporting or invoicing.