Pre-reviewer Effort Quick Access Guide

All pre-reviewers who have effort reports that need to be reviewed in the GWeb Information System during the current effort cycle will receive an email notification.

If a report has multiple pre-reviewers listed, all pre-reviewers must review the effort before it can proceed to the certifier (or alternate certifier).  Below are the steps that need to be taken:

  1. Make sure you are logged in to VPN.
  2. Go to, login to current faculty & staff.
  3. Select the tab Employee Information Menu.
  4. Select Employee Dashboard.
  5. On the right side of the screen select Effort Certification.
  6. On the left side of the screen select the tab Review or Certify Reports.
  7. Under Advanced Search select Chart of Account Code: Z and Effort Period Code: Current Cycle.
  8. The reports that you are responsible for will now be in your queue.
  9. You can then double click on an individual, look at their details and review. Completed.

More detailed instructions, user guides, and demos can be found here: