Running FSG Reports

  1. Log into EAS and select your GL Entry or GL Inquiry responsibility. Navigate to the Report Manager option and  select Financial Report Submission.  Note:  FSG reports are based on your security access.

Financial Report Submission choice

  1. The Submission Parameter window appears.

Submissin parameter window

  1. To find report, (example *CO S/A YTD Analysis), at report name field click on the magnifying glass, enter %CO%S/A%YTD%, then click GO. A list of reports meeting the criteria will appear.

Search and select report name

  1. Quick Select report *CO S/A YTD Analysis or Click the radio button under the Select column and press the Select tab.

CO S/A YTD Analysis selection

  1. The selected report will populate in the Report Name field. Content set, Row order and currency will automatically default based on the report definition.

Submission parameters

  1. Enter the Period for the report, example Jun-14. You can enter the period value directly (then hit the tab key), or use the magnifying glass to search for the period, similar to the steps in 2a. The Date field will populate automatically with the last day of month for period selected.
  2. Optional: Segment Override parameter page is used to make other report selections to narrow down the results, such as restricting to an account or an organization (parent orgs…) Click Apply, then click Next.

Select segment override


  1. Publishing Parameters
    1. If a template was created for this report it will automatically appear. If not, select the “Generic Template”. Use steps 2a to search for the Generic Template. Two options of the Generic Template will appear:
      1. Generic Template (useable, does not include special GW icon)
      2. Generic Template with Drilldown (do not use)
    2. Other parameters will default in.
    3. Select Next.

Publishing parameters

  1. Storage Location Page
    1. The name of the report will default in. Click the plus (+) sign to see the department folders established to file the report.
    2. Select your Department folder. Click the radial button and then click Next.

Storage location

  1. If the report has run before, it will appear.  Reports Repository > FSS > *CO S?A YTD Actual 1111
  2. Select New and give a new name by adding date, time or version to report.
  1. Accept the Presentation Parameters and select Next.

Presentation parameter selection

  1. At Review Parameter page (review the parameter selections for the report), if correct select Next. Otherwise select Back button to make corrections. Click Submit.

Review parameters screen

  1. Click on Monitor Requests. You will need to click the Refresh button to update the window until the Request called “Publish and Presentation Program” is complete. At Requests window, once process has completed.
  1. Click the Publish and Presentation program Output icon.
  2. Click View Reports Now.
  3. Click either the Excel (preferred) or PDF options icon to view the report output.

Requests summary table

View report now

Report results